Steam can scald and permanently scar skin tissue,Ĭause injury and/or death in children and so on. If there is a valveĪdjacent to the steam wand, turn it. Now ready to brew espresso or steam milk. This sound is water approaching the boiling point and your unit is Maker, eventually you will hear a rumbling sound inside the unit. If there is no brew switch, consider foaming theīecause you probably possess a basic steam boiler powered espresso No two-way brew switch, then you truly possess the most basicĮspresso machine. The two-way brew switch allows you to switchīetween brewing coffee and steaming milk. STEP THREE: There should be a brew switch on the front or the side You have compressed the coffee too much if no coffee comes out Pressure to compact the ground coffee, but not too much pressure. You wish to get results approaching drinkable. I cannot stress enough that freshĬoffee, ground appropriately for these units, is very important if Place finely ground fresh espresso coffee in the coffee holder-įilter (see photo at left). Steam (foam) your milk first, set it aside, then brew your espresso Switch, it is up to you whether or not you wish to brew espressoĬoffee or steam milk first. If you have an espresso machine with a two-way brew Instructions in step four regarding steaming milk, then proceed to If yours is a machine without a two-way brew switch follow the STEP TWO: (for machines with a two-way brew switch) Milk carafe or suitable container and mug or cup to capture the Has no power switch, have all your accouterments ready: fresh water To heat up? to cool off? When you are ready and comfortable, Go? where does the steam come from? how long does this unit take Understanding the basic functions of the unit: where does the water That is, run the unit a few times before evenĬonsidering using coffee. Screw the reservoir cap tightly in place. If this is where you put the cappuccino beans and milk!) With water, not milk! (You would be surprised how many people ask me STEP ONE: Fill the reservoir almost to the top (see photo at right) Lucky, an 'on' switch and, at worse, just a plug to put in the wall The super-cheap machines, which I hear about every couple of daysįrom some hapless victim of, yet another, bad garage sale or EBayīargain, often has no brew select switches at all, but, if you are Protruding from the main housing of the unit, a matching glassĬarafe, a handled coffee filter holder with a steel filter insertĪnd a relatively robust screw cap on top. Way brew switch (offering the choice of brew or steam), a steam wand Plastic skin with a aluminum boiler underneath, a knob or two, a two. It might take the name of a Bialetti, Elebak, Vesubio, Bellman,īenjamin & Medwin or Vesuviana, a stove top worthy of any SaturdayĪ steam powered electric espresso maker generally has a thermal Powered unit capable of producing acceptable espresso It might be a Delonghi, Krups, or Braun, or maybe even a pump It might be the Salton-Maxim, complete with electrical cord Journey be without the ubiquitous steam powered toy? How complete would your coffee-espresso-cappuccino Was something better than the artificial flavors that I was gettingĪccustomed to. Used to drink International Foods coffee until I realized that there Part of life? It is not a matter of personal choice, you know. DidĪnyone tell you that those lattes and cappuccinos are a necessary We all want a way out of paying for those four-ĭollar lattes and mochas at the corner Starbucks.Ĭoffee is a journey, not a destination, so enjoy the ride. That will pass itself off as a decent source of cheap espresso Who hasn't passed by a garage sale and grabbed at a coffee maker Q=cache:iHkKEAFbnZAJ:26task%3Dview%26id%3D61+salton+espresso+&hl=en It has no spaces but for some reason I cannot connect theģ lines in the answer box without loosing part of the address. The following 3 lines contain the webĪddress. These directions are copied below on this post or you can go In the google cache since the original url expired (url not foundĮrror). I found the following information on google but it is only available I just bought the same model at a garage sale.I also need a manual.ĭear joel and rob, did either of you get a response.
I have a Salton Espresso maker (Model Ex45)and am in need of a manual for it. Manual for Salton Espresso (model Ex 45) needed Manual for Salton Espresso (model Ex 45) needed : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread